Thursday, January 3, 2019

Winter Ski Hut Stay

A few of us went to Mont Tremblant National Park for an overnight stay at a ski hut, Le Campe. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough snow so we had to snowshoe in.

I found snowshoeing very pleasant. Carrying a backpack of food and camping supplies is not a problem when snowshoeing. The only downside is it's really noisy and there is no chance of seeing any animal. We did however see many animal tracks.

After reaching the cabin, we immediately started a fire in the stove to warm up the cabin. The cabin has a large pot for melting snow and we definitely needed more water. We cooked food on camping stoves instead since the wood stove is not hot enough for effective cooking. It it however hot enough to warm up food.

Sleeping quarters are in the attic. With the stove giving out plenty of heat, the overnight stay was very pleasant except for the trips to the loo of course. After an uneventful night, we packed up, cleaned up the cabin, and headed back for civilization.

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