Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Wakefield Triangle

Wakefield triangle is my term to refer to trail #52, #50, and #53 starting at P17 in Gatineau Park. I normally ski clockwise to avoid skiing steep hills after lunch break. The first stretch from P17 to Renaud Cabin via #52 is about 14km with some fairly steep hills and beautiful scenery.

Five of us started at P17 and worked our way to Renaud Cabin after an hour and forty minutes of hard skiing. We stopped at Lac Philippe to take a few pictures. It's a spot where everybody stops to enjoy the view.

We met up with Ed at Renaud Cabin and ate our lunch while chatting. Renaud cabin is the only one in Gatineau Park that was rebuilt. It's fairly large, able to accommodate lots of skiers. It's also a popular destination since it's easily accessible from P19.  Ed, being a fearless skier, told me he skied counter clockwise and visited Lusk cabin before meeting us.

After lunch, we skied back towards P17 via #50 and #53 after saying hi to some other friends who just arrived. Trail #53 is very pretty with rolling hills. We enjoyed skiing it even though our legs started to complain about anything that remotely resembled a hill. Snow was getting soft too, making it harder to glide. We took a liberal number of water breaks but made it back to the parking lot around 2pm as planned.

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