Monday, January 21, 2019

Ski on the Coldest Day

My son and I went out for a ski on the coldest day at below -20. It's a powder day with 20cm new snow, the kind of day that you normally duck into woods. Since he doesn't have classic skis, we opt for next best thing -- skate skiing on ridge road. However, the plan was thwarted by the strong wind that blew snow everywhere. We climbed up to Penguin Picnic Area from P8 hoping the narrower ridge road will have less blowing snow. We were wrong. By the time we got to ridge road, we were severely discouraged. A few skiers on classic skis passed by and we looked at them with envy.

We decided to call it a day. Coming down from Ridge to Penguin was fun on powder snow but it was soooo cold. Glad we wore buff that doubled as face mask. Back in Chelsea, we found Les Saisons Cafe and ordered the largest hot chocolate available.

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