Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring Skiing under the Sun

Conditions were much better than expected. Yang and I skated up to Champlain Lookout and then to Western Cabin. Snow was soft everywhere except in shades. Ridge road past Champlain Lookout was not groomed last night so it was a bit crusty. View at Western was incredible. The snow had softened up on our way back to Huron to meet up with Tina and Charlene. 

After a break outside Huron Cabin, we started our way back to P10. Yang and I went to check out Black Lake since I've never visited it in winter. Downhill was really fun but uphill was tough slogging. Snow really softened up by then. Luckily, it was mostly downhill from there and we reached P10 in no time. 

Sunny and good snow are the best combination. Lots of people were out enjoying both. We even saw a lot of people skiing in shorts.  A perfect day for me.

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