Sunday, March 24, 2013

mer bleue, off at P22

Grace, Michael, and I skied #53&53A (the shorter loop as compared to #50/51/52)at mer bleue this afternoon.  the trails are built on a unique sub-arctic landscape.  we took the loop clockwise: off at P22, crossed two wood bridges (the melting snow uncovered the bridges). hit P21 and Ridge Road after approx. 3.5k. had to take off ski to walk to the other side of Ridge Road (about 30m, clicked ski back on, skied for another 3.4k, and returned to P22, our starting point.

A nice touring: at one point, a train koo-koo-choo-choo-ing by; at another point of time, a puppy tagging along….

The snow was wet as expected, but not bad at all at this time of the season.  not sure if we would have a chance to check out the longer loop before snow totally melting away.


  1. This reporter is getting lazy. Definitely need more pictures.

  2. :P this is the only photo i took. still tried to figure out posting from mobile…got wiped out three times, couldn't find the draft bin...finally.

  3. We went again on greenbelt trail 10 today, the track was very soft, parking lot is muddy. I guess we may have one more xc session this season.

  4. I went to P6 again with Jean and Johne yesterday. Snow was also wet but it didn't stop us from having another good run.

  5. Figure at least 2 weeks left in the park. Just need waxless skis. :-)
