Saturday, March 16, 2013

P6 to Pink Lake Mar 9

There will be enough snow for April skiing. Five of us Charlene, Johne, JF, Tina and me started from P6 and had quick lunch at Pink lake. Johne and Tina went down pink Lake and climb back.  The recent warm weather made the classic tracks slow, it was still a great day in the park.

the boxers


  1. I came back from Tremblant and noticed the snow on my front yard is a lot thinner. Hopefully the temperature doesn't go up too quickly.

    Nice pictures! I've only visited P6 once or twice.

  2. Thanks to Yang, for leading us to such a scenic trail!

  3. Charlene, are you sporting a different jacket? :-)

    1. Yes, bought it last year at Lake Placid, for hiking. Never thought it could be used for skiing but the day was so mild...
