Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spring Skiing - Wet Snow Day

Snow was really wet today even though we were at P8 quite early. Skating was tough slogging but I should really not complain. It's April 13 after all.

The 5 of us got to Keogan and found an empty cabin. We started a fire in the wood stove to warm up the cabin and food. We then sat around a picnic table and started chatting. I like this part of the trip a lot. We talked about everything from flowers, cooking, sailing, to backpacking and canoe trips. Spring has come and everybody has something else in mind. So farewell snow -- you've been very kind.


  1. Thank you thank you, Jack and Yang, for making this year's ski season so perfectly enjoyable!

  2. I enjoyed the season tremendously as well. Thank you all for your camaraderie. See you on bike, on the water, or on foot.
