Monday, March 4, 2013

Return to Stony Swamp

Thanks to another big snow dump, we decided to return to Stony Swamp.
We got to P11 as before but took the opposite direction this time. Total a stretch of 4.5km of trail 26 and everyone took it at ease, to have time chit chat. I was, as usual, taking it easy and following the group with some distance.

That little hill where we practice downhill each time and have fun, was nicely blanked with thick snow. Everyone was running up and down a few times and the laugh can be heard from a distance...

Girls like to have a group pose together: Jingle, Charlene, Yanping, Michelle, Jean.

James 甲 and James 乙 added:

Thanks to Michelle who had these nice pictures taken with her iphone. When it comes to the phone camera, everyone should be a 果粉。


  1. Ain't this lovely?

    Charlene, 你的号召力果然不一般...

  2. 哈哈, Jack其实我们还是比较懒, 喜欢就近了...

    1. 是。跟号召力没关系的。哈哈哈哈!

  3. 今年的雪很给力. 往年城里滑不了两次..

  4. 就是,就是,这么好的雪不滑真的是太可惜了....
