Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lac Deschenes on skates Sunday

This is the largest skating rink I ever skated. First I tried skate skis rented on Saturday, there wasn't enough snow for it,   switched on hockey skates, it worked really well. The intended destination was Aylmer Island,  The ice fault near Shirley's bay made me gave up the idea, instead I skated along the fault and reached Aylmer marina.

too less snow for skate skis

Nortel Lab 5 at the background

feel strange to see a Christmas tree in the middle of the river

My track

Powered parachute

A bad fall

two miles long ice faults,  looks too dangerous to cross

blue ice at the fault

ice finishing hut in Aylmer
hockey rink in on Ottawa side


  1. You guys are so lucky.

    Youtube embedded video is so small. Can it be bigger? Have you tried Vimeo?

    1. I can see it in 720P, have you tried full screen mode ?

    2. I know I can see that in full screen mode. I just want the embedded video to be as big as the pictures.

    3. There is little option on embedded video, may have to edit it in html

    4. I edited the size in HTML mode and now it's much bigger. :-)

  2. Gotta get the vest JF was wearing...pretty and practical.
