Monday, March 2, 2020

Visiting Renaud Cabin

With lots of new snow and a sunny day in the forecast, it was quite easy to round up a very large group of skiers to go visit Renaud cabin. Actually, I was surprised at my own persuasive power and was unsure how to handle such a large group. I planned to divide the whole group into several subgroups and have one or two experienced skiers lead a group. So that was the arrangement we had before leaving P19.

Renaud sort of sits in a central location from which you can go to Taylor Lake, Lusk Lake, or the very end of Philippe Lake. The fast group decided to visit Lusk Lake via #54 and then Taylor Lake while the rest of us aimed to get to Taylor Lake. This way we get to ski together a little at the beginning and when the fast group catches up with the rose-smelling group.

Gatineau Park was really in very good conditions. Snow sitting on tree branches makes trees and the whole park amazingly beautiful. We took out phones often to take pictures and felt lucky to be able to ski in such a wonderland.

Photo credit: 飞

I skied with some new and old friends. Quite a few of them were first time visitors of the park in winter. It was fun watching them applying their skills in an actual cross country setting.  Reminds me of my own learning days.

We reached Taylor Lake, which is even more beautiful than the rest of park. We did again our tourist duty by taking more pictures. The fast group soon caught up with us  and I was told the trail to Lusk cabin was in less pristine conditions but it's also very pretty.

Photo credit: Guoqiang

Shortly after, we reached Renaud cabin to have lunch but it was quite difficult to seat a large group of us. We managed to have seats here and there but were not able to sit together. Regrettably we didn't even have a group photo. I got to know some more new friends and introduced as many people to one another as possible. I always thought the best way to get people to ski is for them to have lots of ski buddies.

Me and one of my buddies. Photo credit: Grace

After lunch we continued our fast group slow group formation. Some skiers skied towards Herridge cabin along Lake Philippe before heading back. Everybody was accounted for at the parking lot and we went our merry way home after a satisfying skiing day.

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