Friday, January 10, 2020

Moonlit Ski to Keogan Cabin

Six of us skied various routes to Keogan cabin on Jan 9, 2020, which should be a full moon night. It was fairly cold and the snow was hard and slow. I left a little early to visit Champlain lookout for a bit more exercise. Ed wanted to do a loop of parkways so he left early too. The rest took the direct route to Keogan. Moon showed through trees a bit and I was able to ski without headlight.

After getting to Champlain lookout, I still had time so decided to ski a bit further. Took #1b to intersection of #1 and #2 and then back via #1 to Huron Cabin. After taking a peek of Huron, I went to Keogan via parkway and met up with the rest of group.

Over a bit of wine and snacks, we chatted about everything. People at the next table were having an elaborate dinner with wine. We ogled at their dinner and promised we'd do that on our next trip. But seriously our table was full of goodies and the chat was lively as well. All in all we had a great night skiing and socializing.

Picture credit goes to Yan and Ed. 

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